Here’s a photo from the MoveOn/Organizing for America house party today held in Danville, Calif.
A dozen volunteers showed up and we called people on the MoveOn list on Colorado and Connecticut, asking if they’d be willing to do door-to-door canvasing on Sunday, Monday or Election Day (Colorado is a swing state, Connecticut has a key Senate election with candidate Chris Murphy). Probably called 500 voters — many didn’t answer, three or four were Republicans, and one was a disenchanted member of the Green Party. But we contacted enough volunteer canvassers to make it worthwhile.
In case you were wondering how these things work, I captured the shot at top — we were spread out throughout the house and back yard, running down our sheets of 16 voters per state before turning them in to me, to phone in the results to MoveOn headquarters. We had a “chatty script” (though no one called it that), or a notes outline, to induce a conversation with the supporter or voter, instead of a robotic script where we just read something to them. Studies show that getting people to knock on your door to come out to vote is a much more effective way to get out the vote than just making calls.
Looking forward to Tuesday — polls are looking good for President Obama and Democratic Senate candidates.